I would like to express my thanks to G-d for introducing me to your organization. Our son has a rare disease for which we were advised to go to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, for an operation. The cost was $37,000 and we had an outstanding bill of $11,000 for a previous operation. Both bills were required to be paid prior to the operation. Our friend took upon herself to try to collect the money. She contacted your organization. What we were impressed with was that you didn’t promise anything. You just asked that we send the papers to you and G-d will help. That’s what happened. G-d helped! An anonymous donor helped and payed the bill. What a relief! What a chessed! May Hashem bless you for your kindness!
Forever in your debt,
(Name withheld)
Time after time, I contacted your organization for help for several members of my family who live in Israel; and one time I asked for help for a neighbor of mine in New York. All you asked for were papers to support their needs and always helped.
As you know, my family in Israel needed money for 2 brides; money for a baby that needed special formula and money to support 3 families for the High Holidays (food & clothes). My neighbor is a mother of 9 children. This mother has cancer r”l and she needed help to put her son in day camp for the summer. I am happy to be able to help my family with your help. If you need me to help your organization in any way, please let me know.
(Name withheld)